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GuestNovember 13, 2016 at 4:18 pmPost count: 195Hi,
We are going to cuba with 2 year childe. Could you write some advice about traveling with a kid? Is daipers available in cuba? We are going to Havana 16.01.2017 and we stay there to 9.02.2017. Does anyone od you will be there the same time?
Hi, I have a good video posted here:
There are diapers available in some high end supermarkets, but they are very expensive. probably over 1$ per diaper. It is far cheaper to bring your own diapers.
Factor that in Cuba, you will not be able to get any baby products. Perhaps you can, but always assume that you will be unable to. Cuban children have very little. They have few toys, few clothes, few personal items. Very few luxuries at all. And these things are hard to find and very expensive.
If your child is a picky eater, you might even want to bring some of their favorite foods (if they are packaged foods and can travel well).
Restaurants do not have kids meals. The kid will have to get used to eating regular foods (chicken, pork, beans, rice) or settle for simple items which can be ordered separately, such as eggs and omelettes and bread and butter. When I traveled with my 2 year old girl, she ate fruit, eggs, bread, and some simple pasta dishes. It’s not great nutrition, but she survived.
My advice is to not give kids street food. it might look good, but if it is under-cooked or badly cooked, the kids seem to get sick easily and it is not fun. As an adult, I can handle a tummy ache, but most 2 year olds cannot… And I would only give the kids juice that comes from a juice box or sealed package. You can get cheap juice at markets which are sold by the cup, but for delicate kids, it can cause stomach problems.
Anyway, your kid will be fine. Maybe they get sick a few days, but it will only make them stronger and it is usually a mild stomach ache. Traveling with kids is always a challenge, but it won’t be so bad.
I won’t be there during your trip… sorry.
take care,
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