Massage in Havana2018-04-23T13:11:30+00:00

Best Cuba Guide Forums General Massage in Havana

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  • Rakesh Aggarwal
    Post count: 195

    I would like to get a remedial (not too deep but not superficial either) massage whilst in Havana but do not want to pay inflated tourist prices. Any suggestions?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Mario.
    Post count: 211

    Hi, my best advice would be to talk with your casa landlord. They usually know people in the neighborhood who do massages. The landlords can ask around until they find somebody for you. These will be inexpensive and are usually of high quality.

    There are many places which advertise massage services online. These will be more expensive. Usually, if you look beside these locations (in the neighboring buildings), you will find other providers who charge lower prices.


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