santa clara2019-01-21T15:10:25+00:00

Best Cuba Guide Forums General santa clara

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  • malrigby
    Post count: 3

    Hi, I want to visit santa clara to see the che guvara mausoleum also the train, I am staying at varadero for 2 weeks but plan to go to havanna for maybe 3 days, is it best to visit santa clara whilst i am at havanna or make a seprate trip from varadero? also is 1 day enough at santa clara?  cheers.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by malrigby.
    Post count: 211

    Hi, Santa Clara is about 3 hours drive from Varadero. From Havana it is about a 4.5 hour drive. It would be much easier to go to Santa Clara directly from Varadero. You can either take a private taxi or try to use the viazul coach bus.

    In my opinion, one day in Santa Clara is enough. While it is a pretty city, it is small and outside of the tiny tourist area there is nothing much. But, considering the long drive from Varadero, you might want to spend a night in order to make the trip less exhausting.

    Just tell me if I can help with anything else.

    Take care.

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