Where to put my stuff while I'm at the beach?2015-05-12T13:42:58+00:00

Best Cuba Guide Forums General Where to put my stuff while I'm at the beach?

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  • shoppe
    Post count: 4

    <span class=”Apple-style-span”>Hi, I’m traveling solo and don’t plan on using my room safe (1-2CUCs a day is crazy) so I’ll pretty well have all my cash on me  – how do I safeguard my money and the rest of my stuff at the beach in Guanabo, when I run in to take a dip?  Should I try to find other Canadian tourists and just leave my things with them?</span>

    Post count: 211

    This was always my biggest concern when I went to Cuba my first time. In reality, it was never a factor at all.

    Are you staying at a hotel or casa particular? I’ve never had any trouble leaving money in my hotel room. Put away at the bottom of a luggage, or inside a hidden backpack pocket, it would be pretty safe. It’s rather uncommon for serious robberies to happen at hotels, since the staff is payed well and it would be so easy to determine which maid was working when your things were stolen.

    If you are staying in a casa, you safety is even more assured. Casa owners are paranoid about guest safety because if you get robbed while staying at their place, they could lose their rental permits. I’ve always left my money in casas. Not out in the open, but in a luggage or in the freezer… Even if a thief somehow got into the house, he would have to search a while before actually finding anything. It’s unlikely. I won’t say these things never happen, but the chances are very low…

    As for going to the beach… it’s a tricky answer. I would never suggest traveling around with all your money. You will probably have at least 1000$ will you… It’s not ideal to be carrying that kind of cash around, and it’s very uncommon. I would have to advise you to leave most of it in your room, (you can hide it in a few places if you are really concerned) rather than walking around with it. By taking it around with you, you are open to not only theft, but also lose by misplacing it. It’s double the risk. And it would be much more likely that it just slips out of your pocket than getting stolen. 

    In my opinion, when i go to the beach, I bring about 100$. I have maybe 5$ in coins, which i keep in my swim shorts (in the zipper pocket) and the rest, I put in a small plastic bag, also in the zipper pocket. If you are planning to bring more money, then I suggest you pick up a little plastic container (usually sold at dollar stores) which can hold a roll of money, and can be worn around you neck. I have one, although i never used it. Here is an example : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Waterproof-Container-Airtight-Case-Id-Keys-Money-Holder-Beach-Camping-Random-ST-/171650124250?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27f72509da

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Mario.
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