Sport is a religion in Cuba. It's all about soccer and baseball. Watch the amateurs play in the day or evening in one of the hundreds of local fields and parks. Havana has them all over,especially in Vedado. It's great, [...]
El Hueco Playing Field
Mario2017-05-19T02:23:38+00:00This is an abandoned field located in one of the poorest parts of Vedado, at the corner of Calzada and J. Locals call it El Hueco (the gap). Come here on a weekend or evening and this area will be [...]
An onion and garlic vendor roams the street in Vedado, Cuba
Mario2017-05-19T02:23:39+00:00Capitalism is alive and well in Cuba. Independent produce vendors are everywhere in Havana, especially in the upscale Vedado neighborhood. It's not a glamorous life, but they can earn a good living. Did you forget to buy something at the [...]
A lady shops at a bodega to receive her monthly ration of goods.
Mario2017-05-19T02:23:39+00:00Only local Cubans can shop at Bodegas. They use a little booklet called a Libreta to receive their monthly ration of goods. Start learning about the REAL Cuba. Discover hidden places and fun things to do which none of the [...]
Cheap Venta Libre depots in Havana
Mario2017-05-19T02:23:39+00:00At Venta Libre depots, both locals and foreigners can shop. The prices are extremely cheap. Get a bottle of Rum for less than $3 !!!These locations are all over Havana. Many are listed in the guide. Start learning about the [...]