
The cheapest way to eat in Cuba is to buy street food. Sandwiches are available for about 10 pesos (Moneda Nacional) (Equivalent to 40 cents USD). Juices are 3 to 5 pesos. Hamburgers vary in quality. Cheap ones can be had for about 3 pesos (do not buy or eat these… they suck). Better ones generally cost about 8 pesos (they are pork burgers.. generally taste ok). Egg sandwiches are cheap and healthy, and usually cost about 5 to 10 pesos. Pizza is usually not very good and usually costs 10 pesos. Traditional pulled pork sandwiches usually cost 5 pesos each and are good, but skimpy. You might want to order a few.

In sit down restaurants, the cheapest meals will be on the oferta menus. These are traditional Cuban foods, offered on pre-fixed table d’hote meal plans which include a main dish, a drink and a dessert, usually for about 5cuc. These are almost always good value meals, and the most popular offerings. These foods are generally pork or chicken based. Fried chicken legs, breaded pork steaks, etc.

Other dishes will be more expensive. Lobster or fish is usually over 10cuc.

Be aware that in most cities, the street food stands stop selling food at about 6pm. So if you are on a tight budget and planning to eat only street food, you should plan to eat supper early.

By |2017-05-19T02:23:27+00:00March 11th, 2016|0 Comments

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