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Hi. will I be able to purchase a sim card for my mobile phone, to access media sites also to send texts and photos?
Mario Rizzi
GuestFebruary 19, 2019 at 5:53 pmPost count: 195Click on this link and then click on Internet and Phones category for all the info.
OK, thanks for that and many thanks for your speedy reply Mario, much appreciated. take care.
GuestAugust 19, 2019 at 12:58 amPost count: 195Hi Mario,
First off, I just finished reading your book and it’s fantastic. You really give very useful info and debunk most tourist ideologies and xenophobia. I do however have one question regarding the SIM renting. You said it cost 3CUC per day to rent but how do the call and data charges work? I assume the daily 3 CUC is just rental fee and the calls and data is on top of that? Do I have to select a calling plan? That would make sense to my pea brain but I just wanted to ask.
Thank you
Hi Jayne, the price for the sim rental covers only the rental. It is possible that the Cuban telephone company now has other options, so you would have to discuss details concerning rental pricing for the duration if your trip. You might be able to get a deal if you rent for a week or more
Once you rent the sim, you have to put money on your account. It’s always pay as you go. There are no phone plans in Cuba. So you would put 20cuc and then add more as you need it. Local calls are like 35 cents per minute during the day and 10 cents per minute at night. Texts are like 7 cents each I think. They offer data options too (recently started). The data is expensive and usually works terribly, so it might not be a great option.
I hope this answers your question. Have a great time
GuestSeptember 1, 2019 at 10:51 pmPost count: 195Mario,
Thank you for the response. Yes, you answered my question.
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