
Top Things to Do in Vedado, Havana, Cuba

Old Havana vs Vedado? I get asked this question all the time. It seems like every foreigner who is taking a trip to Havana is torn between spending time in Vedado or Old Havana. When most tourists think of Havana, they have the image of Old Havana in their head. They imagine tight, cobblestone streets. Open [...]

Why Vedado is the Best Neighborhood to Rent a Casa Particular

The Best Casas Particulares are in Vedado, Havana If you are planning to rent a casa particular in Havana, then I 100% recommend that you stay in Vedado versus Old Havana. It’s not even a question, in my mind. If you want a large, well maintained casa and a quiet sleep at night, then a [...]

By |2017-05-19T02:23:26+00:00April 9th, 2015|Havana and Vedado, Life, Stories of Havana|0 Comments

Exploring The Area Around The Cuban Capitol Building (El Capitolio)

Where is El Capitolio in Havana? El Capitolio, the Cuban Capitol building, is a large domed building, located on Prado street, on the border of Old Havana and Central Havana. It was modeled after the American Capitol building in Washington D.C. The large manicured campus directly beside the Capitolio building is called the Parque Central. Just [...]

By |2017-05-19T02:23:26+00:00December 12th, 2014|Fun and Entertainment, Havana and Vedado|0 Comments

Cheap Vacation in Cuba For Under $30 Per Day

Tips For Saving Money in Cuba and Making A Budget As many of you have heard, Cuba is one of the top cheap vacation destinations in the world. This is especially the case if you book an all inclusive vacation from a discount online travel agency in Canada. On off peak times of the year (November to [...]

By |2017-05-19T02:23:26+00:00October 30th, 2014|Fun and Entertainment, Havana and Vedado, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Top 3 Nightlife Party Spots in Havana, Cuba

The Best Places for Nighttime Action in Havana, Cuba Even if you’ve never been to Havana, you’ve probably heard stories about how Cubans love to party and have a great time. In many respects, Havana is one of the top party destinations in the world. But since the average Cuban local only earns about $30 [...]

By |2017-05-19T02:23:26+00:00October 20th, 2014|Fun and Entertainment, Havana and Vedado|1 Comment

How To Take The Electric Hershey Train In Havana Cuba

Riding The Hershey Train in Havana Cuba Cuba used to have one of the most well developed railway networks in Latin America. By most accounts, the system is currently dilapidated, due to old infrastructure and decades of neglect. Many of the trains still run, but delays and breakdowns are frequent. As a mode of transportation, [...]

By |2017-05-19T02:23:26+00:00October 14th, 2014|Fun and Entertainment, Havana and Vedado, Uncategorized|4 Comments

Taking an Excursion From Varadero to Havana

Planning a Havana Excursion from Varadero It's very common for travelers to land in Varadero and stay at a resort for a week, but also want to visit Havana for a night or two. Typically, an overnight stay in Havana is arranged through a tour operator and is referred to as a Havana excursion. The excursion can [...]

By |2019-04-01T14:37:11+00:00September 28th, 2014|Fun and Entertainment, Havana and Vedado|48 Comments

Havana Casas Particulares: Reviews and Photos of The Best Apartment Rentals in Vedado, Cuba

Download the best, FREE Cuba and Havana casa particular review guide Reviews, photos and information on dozens of cheap rental apartments in Havana and Vedado The following FREE mini-guide is a list of some of the best and cheapest casas particulares in Havana. These are independent, privately owned apartments and rooms which can be rented throughout Cuba. [...]

By |2017-05-19T02:23:26+00:00July 17th, 2014|Havana and Vedado, Life|0 Comments

Havana Tips and Tricks: Interesting Facts and Tips On Havana And Cuba

Download the Free Havana Tips and Tricks Guidebook This mini-guide includes dozens of interesting facts, tips and tricks to help you understand Cuban culture and daily life. The information presented in this guide was taken from the book Real Havana: Explore Cuba Like A Local And Save Money. This book is available at most online book [...]

By |2016-10-26T22:02:25+00:00July 17th, 2014|Havana and Vedado|0 Comments

Cubans Rushing To Buy Hard Currencies As Uncertainties Increase

Cuba to Get Rid of The CUC Convertible Peso In 2014 Cuba announced that it was doing away with its dual currency system. Gone would be the days that state workers were paid in Moneda Nacional, while the harder CUC currency (pegged to the US dollar) was used to buy most hard goods and food [...]

By |2014-09-29T22:16:34+00:00May 6th, 2014|Havana and Vedado, Life|0 Comments